App and device update is available

Happy to notice the new device firmware and App update is available for download, providing better performance and usability.

  • App (v0.3)
    • Improved to remember the settings
    • Support updating device to new device firmware (below)
  • New device firmware
    • Improved swipe and slide gesture algorithm.
    • Device will always go to pairing mode, when it is searching for connectable device.
      (Needed to push 1 second before)

Please refer to tips page about how to device firmware update.

iOS/Android app can be get from following links.

Get it on Google Play

How to pair a new device, and multi-device pairing

Released a video instruction about how to pair with a new device, and pair with multiple device such as smartphone and tablet.

In this video, you can see how to put PEBLWEAR into pairing mode, and how PEBLWEAR supports multi-pairing.
PEBLWEAR will connect to the first discovered device. When you want to go back to 1st device, you will need to disconnect from 2nd device. ( It is not a multiple connection )


The point is, making sure to set ” New device pairing-mode” by pressing touch surface for 1 second and release (when disconnected from any device & while green light is blinking)

  • Make sure you disconnected PEBLWEAR from 1st device.
  • To connect a “new” device to PEBLWEAR, you will need to put PEBLWEAR into “new device pairing mode”.
  • Note: This operation is not necessary on the latest FW.
    Press touch surface for 1 second and release. (You will hear a sound when in this mode)
  • Pair another device while green light blinking.
  • PEBLWEAR will connect to first discovered device.
  • When you want to go back to 1st device, disconnect from 2nd device.
  • If you use two or more device close with wireless ON, its better to forget pairing, to avoid mixing-up wireless connection… because PEBLWEAR will connect to first discovered device.

When pairing is unsuccessful, make sure making PEBLWEAR into new device pairing-mode : )

Have a good music experience with PEBLWEAR !


We will fix the included hardware product against defects in materials and workmanship for

  • PEBLWEAR Wearable Remote: Two years from the date of original purchase.
  • PEBLWEAR FLAME / PEBLWEAR TN1 : One year from the date of original purchase.

Customer is responsible for shipment fees to return the device, and we will ship it to your post after fix is done. PEBLWEAR does not warrant against normal wear and tear, nor damage caused by accident or abuse and international shipping charges may apply.

Please contact to following e-mail for the requests.
hello[at] ( Please replace [at] to @ )